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Adaptor mini DP (Display Port) la HDMI TechONE™, port Tata-Mama, 4k UHD, unidirectional, mufa aurita, cablu 15 cm, negru
Preț cu TVA: 28.25 lei
Stoc: No
Stoc suficient
Stoc epuizat
Cod produs: AdaptorminiDPlaHDMI
Producător: TechONE
Caracteristici produs
Brand Compatibil: Universal
Continut Pachet: 1 x Adaptor
Culoare: Negru
Lungime Cablu: 15 cm
Tip Conector 1: Mini DisplayPort tata
Tip Conector 2: HDMI mama
Tip Produs: Adaptor

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Adaptor mini DP (Display Port) la HDMI TechONE™, port Tata-Mama, 4k UHD, unidirectional, cablu 15 cm, negru

Caracteristici principale

◆ Suporta 4Kx2K or 1080P
◆ Suporta Mini DisplayPort v1.2;
◆ Suporta Mini DisplayPort signal to HDMI-compatible conversion;
◆ Suporta 20pin Mini DisplayPort interface;
◆ Suporta Mini DisplayPort1.1a / 1.2 input and HDMI-compatible 1.3b / output, and compatible with Thunderbolt interface input.
◆ Suporta HDMI-compatible 225MHZ clock bandwidth, 2.25Gbps per channel data bandwidth (all channels 6.75Gbps data bandwidth)
◆ Suporta HDMI-compatible 4Kx2k (3840  2160) ultra-high-definition output
◆ Suporta HMDI 12bit Deep Color (all channels 36bit Deep Color)
◆ Suporta up to 10.8Gbps video bandwidth;
◆ Suporta 1Mbps two-way auxiliary channel;
◆ Suporta one-way, single-channel, four-wire connection;
◆ Suporta hot swap.
◆ Chip built it nu necesita alimentare

◆ In concordanta cu Mini DisplayPort standard design, potrivit pentru Apple Mini DisplayPort 
◆ to HDMI-compatible part of the audio and video to support synchronous transmission


◆ MacBook / MacBook Pro / MacBook Air / Apple iMac 21.5 / 27 inch, Lenovo X1, Dell XPS, and equipped with Mini DisplayPor interface, other brands of notebook or graphics card with HDMI-compatible connector HDTV, monitor, projector, LCD, LED display connected!

Applicable models:
MB413 / MB4 / MB4 / MB4 / MB4 / MB4 /
◆ MB940 / MB985 / MB986 / MB990 / MB991 /
◆ MC024 / MC026 / MC118 / MC207 / MC226 / MC233 / MC234 / MC413
◆ MC503 / MC504 / MC505 / MC506 / MC508 / MC509 / MC510 / MC511 / MC516 /
◆ MC700 / MC721 / MC723 / MC724 / MC725 /
◆ MC812 / MC813 / MC814 / MC847 / MC950 / MC965 / MC966 / MC968 / MC969
◆ Lenovo: ThinkPad X1, X230, T420, W530
◆ Dell: xps14z / xps15 / xps15z / xps17
◆ All Mini displayport port cards and other notebooks

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